86303 - ECHO/PULSE - Sending error - “There was an error creating your pencast for sharing. Please contact Customer Service.”
I am trying to send a file or notebook but am getting a message "There was an error creating your pencast for sharing. Please contact Customer Service."
This message can appear in Echo Desktop and in Livescribe Desktop.
When you see this message:
"There was an error creating your pencast for sharing. Please contact Customer Service."
…try renaming the Connect data folder by following the steps in one of these two articles:
201211 - ECHO/PULSE - Windows - Renaming the Connect data folder
201221 - ECHO/PULSE - Mac - Renaming the Connect data folder
If you still have a problem:
Windows Users
If you are trying to send a Custom Notebook to your Computer, simply click the "OK" button and try sending the Custom Notebook again. On the second attempt it should successfully send.
If you are trying to send to Microsoft OneNote versions 2013, 2007 or 2003, Connect is not compatible with these versions of OneNote. You must be using OneNote 2010. To check your OneNote version open OneNote and click the "?" symbol in the upper right corner.
If you are trying to send ANYTHING to ANY Connector and are repeatedly getting this message, try restarting your computer and attempting the send again.
If a reboot does not solve the problem, try closing Livescribe Desktop and exiting Connect (right-click on the Connect icon in the system tray), open Livescribe Desktop again and try the send once more.
NOTE: If there is no Connect icon in the system tray, try starting Connect manually. To do so:
- Windows 8 - press the Windows key (between "Ctrl" and "Alt" on the keyboard) to go to the classic desktop view and click the folder on the taskbar to open File Explorer. Windows 7/Vista/XP - Right-click on your Windows "Start" button and select "Open Windows Explorer" (7) / "Explore" (Vista/XP).
- For 64-bit machines navigate to "CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Livescribe\ Livescribe Connect". For 32-bit machines navigate to "CD C:\Program Files\Livescribe\Livescribe Connect".
- Double-click on the "Livescribe Connect.exe" file and then try another send from Livescribe Desktop.
If the "Livescribe Connect" folder is empty:
- Click the Windows Explorer back arrow once to go back to the "Livescribe" folder.
- Right-click on the empty "Livescribe Connect" folder and select "Delete". If you get a message "The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program." then restart your computer and try deleting the "Livescribe Connect" folder again.
- Reinstall Livescribe Desktop (and Connect) by going to www.livescribe.com/install and running the Windows Livescribe Desktop installer. If you experience an error reinstalling Livescribe Desktop please see 86023 - Installing Livescribe Desktop - "Windows cannot find Livescribe Connect.exe." Connect not running when Livescribe Desktop is started.
- Try another send from Livescribe Desktop.
If you still have an issue please let us know.
Mac Users
Make sure Livescribe Connect is running. To do so:
- Activate your "Finder" menu by clicking somewhere on an unused area of your desktop.
- From the menu options at the top of your desktop (Finder, File, Edit, View, Go, etc.) select Go > Applications.
- Double-click "Livescribe Connect". If you don't see "Livescribe Connect" in Applications because it has been moved, open Spotlight (magnifying glass in the upper right of your desktop), type "livescribe connect", and double-click on the "Livescribe Connect" application. If "Livescribe Connect" does not appear in Spotlight then it is not installed. Reinstall Livescribe Desktop (and Connect) by going to www.livescribe.com/install and running the Mac Livescribe Desktop installer.
- Try another send from Livescribe Desktop.
If you still have an issue please let us know.