81921 - ECHO/PULSE - Manually downloading Mac Echo Desktop Installer archived Zip file

I am having a problem downloading Mac Echo Desktop. How can I download a zipped version of the installer?

To download and install Mac Echo Desktop:

  1. Click on the link https://www.livescribe.com/downloads/support/EchoDesktop/mac/EchoDesktop_Setup_v3.1.2.pkg.
  2. In the "Downloads" window a "Mac_EchoDesktop_Setup_v#" file will appear in either a ".zip" or ".dmg" format.  If it is a ".zip" file, double-click it to extract it as a ".dmg" file.  NOTE: If you do not see a ".zip" file but the file appears with some other file extension (such as ".cpgz" as an example), please see 85912 - Re-associating .zip files with the Mac Archive Utility.
  3. On your desktop, double-click the ".dmg" installer file to open it.
  4. Follow the prompts to install the software.
  5. Once installed, click somewhere on your Mac desktop in order to activate the "Finder" menu options at the top of the desktop.
  6. In "Finder" access "Go" and open the "Applications" folder.  
  7. Drag the Echo Desktop icon from the Applications folder to your Mac desktop or to your Dock at the bottom of your desktop.
  8. You can click the "Echo Desktop" icon on your desktop or Dock to run it.  For Mountain Lion you may need to "control"-click or right-click, select "Open", and then select "Open" again.

If the software will not run then you are either using a Mac that does not have an Intel based processor or your Mac OS version is not 10.8.5 or later. Please reference 80903 - ECHO/PULSE - System requirements for Echo Desktop.

If you still have a problem please let us know.

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