81921 - ECHO/PULSE - Manually downloading Mac Echo Desktop Installer archived Zip file
I am having a problem downloading Mac Echo Desktop. How can I download a zipped version of the installer?
To download and install Mac Echo Desktop:
- Click on the link http://www.livescribe.com/downloads/support/EchoDesktop/mac/EchoDesktop_Setup_v3.0.5.dmg.
- In the "Downloads" window a "Mac_EchoDesktop_Setup_v#" file will appear in either a ".zip" or ".dmg" format. If it is a ".zip" file, double-click it to extract it as a ".dmg" file. NOTE: If you do not see a ".zip" file but the file appears with some other file extension (such as ".cpgz" as an example), please see 85912 - Re-associating .zip files with the Mac Archive Utility.
- On your desktop, double-click the ".dmg" installer file to open it.
- Follow the prompts to install the software.
- Once installed, click somewhere on your Mac desktop in order to activate the "Finder" menu options at the top of the desktop.
- In "Finder" access "Go" and open the "Applications" folder.
- Drag the Echo Desktop icon from the Applications folder to your Mac desktop or to your Dock at the bottom of your desktop.
- You can click the "Echo Desktop" icon on your desktop or Dock to run it. For Mountain Lion you may need to "control"-click or right-click, select "Open", and then select "Open" again.
If the software will not run then you are either using a Mac that does not have an Intel based processor or your Mac OS version is not 10.8.5 or later. Please reference 80903 - ECHO/PULSE - System requirements for Echo Desktop.
If you still have a problem please let us know.