80960 - ECHO/PULSE - Sharing/Exporting Echo Desktop pencasts and notes

What are the specific steps to share pencasts and notes from Echo Desktop?

To share Echo Desktop files:

Windows users -

  1. Select the page of notes or audio file you'd like to share.
  2. Right-click on the file and select "Share <file name> to…"
  3. Select "Computer…" or "Email…" (if you have Microsoft Outlook installed.  Other email applications or browser email clients are not supported.) 

Mac users -

  1. Select the page of notes or audio file you'd like to share.
  2. Select the "Share" icon in the upper left hand corner.
  3. Select "Computer…" or your default email client (browser email clients are not supported). 

On both platforms, for notes and audio transferred from your smartpen you'll have the option to export "Notes and Audio", "Pages Only", or "Audio Only" (see the tabs at the top of the share window). You'll also have the option to save pages as a Livescribe PDF file or PNG file, and pencast audio directly as an .m4a file.

NOTE:  For Mac you will be able to export imported Livescribe PDFs as well.  This is currently not a feature for Windows.

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