WIFI/ECHO/PULSE - Playing audio sessions from the smartpen

How do I play my audio sessions using my smartpen? 

To playback audio, tap on the link in your Livescribe notebook that is associated with your audio recording.

If you don't have that particular notebook you can still playback a recording.  To do so: 

  1. Double-tap the center of a Menu button (lower-left corner of any notebook page) to reach your smartpen Main Menu. 
  2. Select Paper Replay.  For Livescribe, wifi smartpens tap the down arrow on your Menu button to take you to Applications and then tap right for Paper Replay.  For Echo/Pulse smartpens tap down for Paper Replay.
  3. Tap the right arrow to select the Paper Replay application menu.  The first item in the list is Record Session.
  4. Tap on the down arrow to select Play Session.
  5. Tap the right arrow to view a list of sessions by timestamp.  
  6. Tap the down arrow to scroll through the list of sessions.  Paperless sessions will have an "*" next to them and will be listed first.  Paper sessions will not have an "*" and will be listed after paperless sessions.
  7. Tap the right arrow to select the audio session that you want to open.  Playback will begin.

There are two settings for the playback level - smartpen volume and headphone volume.  For details please see 20315 - Setting the playback volume level.

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