LIVESCRIBE 3/ECHO/PULSE - Playing Livescribe PDFs offline using Livescribe Player

How do I play Livescribe PDFs downloaded to my computer when I don't have an internet connection?

You can play Livescribe PDFs on your computer when you are offline, but first you will need an internet connection to open Then you can save the Livescribe Player to your computer as a complete web page.  To do so:



This browser is not compatible.  Instead open Chrome or Internet Explorer 10 (or later), copy the URL:

…and paste it into the Chrome or I.E. browser address bar.  Then follow the instructions below.


  1. If not already, open in a separate tab or window.
  2. From that tab or window, click on the Chrome menu button (three horizontal bars) in the upper right corner.
  3. Select "Save page as…"
  4. Leave the default "File name:" as "Livescribe Player".
  5. Leave the default "Save as type:" as "Webpage, Complete".
  6. Click "Save".  This will create a "Livescribe Player" file in your save location along with a folder titled "Livescribe Player" that contains the files the offline player will use.

Internet Explorer 10 (or later):

  1. If not already, open in a separate tab or window.
  2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of Internet Explorer.
  3. Select "Add site to Start screen." (Win 8) / "Add site to Start menu." (Win 7 & Vista).
  4. Click "Add".



This browser is not compatible.  Instead open Safari or Chrome, copy the URL:

…and paste it into the Safari or Chrome browser address bar.  Then follow the instructions below.


  1. If not already, open in a separate tab or window.
  2. From the top Safari menu click on "File".
  3. Select "Save As…"
  4. Leave the default "Export As:" as "Livescribe Player" and the default "Format:" as "Web Archive".
  5. Click "Save".  This will create a "Livescribe Player" file in your save location.


  1. If not already, open in a separate tab or window.
  2. From that tab or window, click on the Chrome menu button (three horizontal bars) in the upper right corner.
  3. Select "Save Page As…"
  4. Leave the default "Save As:" as "Livescribe Player".
  5. Leave the default "Format" as "Webpage, Complete".
  6. Click "Save".  This will create a "Livescribe Player.html" file in your save location along with a folder titled "Livescribe Player" that contains the files the offline player will use.

Now you can open the Livescribe PDF offline.  To do so, disconnect from the internet.  

For Internet Explorer users, click on the "Livescribe Player" tile on your Start screen (Win 8) / click on "Start > "Livescribe Player" from the Start menu.  For Chrome and Safari users, double-click the "Livescribe Player" file.  

NOTE:  If the icon of the offline Livescribe Player shows a different browser logo then the one you saved (e.g. you saved offline files from Chrome but the icon displays a Firefox logo since Firefox is your default browser but is not compatible with Livescribe Player), opening it directly is not going to work. 


  1. Right-click on the icon.
  2. Select "Open with > Choose default program… > Other Programs".
  3. Select the browser you saved the files from (in this example choose Chrome).  If you don't see the browser listed you will need to use the "Browse…" button to locate it in "C:\Program Files (x86)" for 64-bit machines or "C:\Program Files" for 32-bit machines.

The offline Livescribe Player will open.  Browse to your Livescribe PDF file by using the "Choose Your Livescribe PDF" button or drag your Livescribe PDF to the offline Livescribe Player window.

Play the audio by clicking on the green ink.  You can also jump to different points in the audio using the audio position bar.

NOTE: Standard controls such as the play button, jump back/forward, and page forward/backward will not be available in this offline version of the Livescribe Player.

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