83256 - LIVESCRIBE+ - Using tags and accessing tagged notes (1)

How do I tag notes and then access notes I have tagged?

By using tags you can organize your notes into categories.  Currently, there are three categories or "Collections" - Star, Flag and Tag.  NOTE:  Custom tags are not yet available but are on the feature roadmap.  

You can tag your notes by tapping the Star, Flag and Tag icons in your Livescribe 3 notebook while you are writing or recording a pencast. 

You can also tag your notes with these categories from within the Livescribe+ app.   

To do so:   

  1. Open the note in "Page" or "Pencast" view.
  2. Tap "Feed" from the options at the top of the note page to access Feed view.
  3. Tap on the snippet(s) you want to tag (tap "Select" in the upper right to select multiple snippets).
  4. Tap the chevron icon ( ^ ) at the bottom of the Feed window.    
  5. Select the "Assign Tags" option to tag your snippets.
  6. Select the tag(s) you want to organize the note with (you can assign multiple tags to a note). 

To view your tagged notes: 

  1. Tap on the Menu icon (upper left of the Feed window) to get to the Menu view.
  2. Under "Collections", tap on "Tagged", "Flagged" or "Favorites" to view your organized notes.
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