83276 - LIVESCRIBE+ - Setting a PIN code on your Livescribe 3 smartpen to secure data

How does the Livescribe 3 PIN feature work to help secure my data in Livescribe+?

Setting a PIN code protects the data on your smartpen by encrypting the Bluetooth connection. It also prevents others from pairing your smartpen without your PIN code. Please remember the PIN code you choose for your smartpen ( this option is only available for iOS mobile devices ).

IMPORTANT: If you forget the PIN code, you will need to reset your smartpen and erase its contents before it can be paired with another device.

To set a PIN code on your smartpen: 

  1. Connect your smartpen with Livescribe+.
  2. Open the Livescribe 3 smartpen control panel either by tapping the smartpen icon (upper right corner) or by tapping the smartpen name from the settings menu.
  3. Select "PIN Code".
  4. Select "Enter PIN Code".
  5. You will be prompted to enter the PIN code twice. 
  6. Once complete, your smartpen will be secured with a PIN. This PIN code will need to be entered whenever this smartpen is attempting to pair with another device. 

NOTE: You will NOT need to reenter this PIN when reconnecting to a paired device.
Using a PIN code smartpen with multiple devices:

Once a PIN code is set on your smartpen you can still use it with multiple devices. You will be prompted to enter the PIN code only at the initial pairing request with a new device. Subsequent connections to that same device will not require PIN entry.

NOTE: If you pair with a second device and have entered the PIN code but the smartpen is not syncing data even though the LED is blue: 

  1. Minimize Livescribe+ by tapping the Home button on your device (don't shut down Livescribe+; keep it running in the background). 
  2. On your device, tap on "Settings > Bluetooth".
  3. Under "MY DEVICES" tap on the "i" to the right of your smartpen name (if you have not renamed your smartpen, the name will be the pen serial number starting with "AYE-").
  4. Tap "Forget This Device".
  5. Tap "OK".
  6. Minimize the Settings window and open Livescribe+ again.
  7. Enter your PIN code.  Afterward, your data should transfer without an issue.

To clear a PIN code from you smartpen: 

  1. Connect your smartpen with Livescribe+.
  2. Open the Livescribe 3 smartpen control panel (either by tapping the smartpen icon, or the smartpen name from the settings menu). 
  3. Select "PIN Code".
  4. Select "Clear PIN Code".
  5. You will be prompted to enter the PIN code. 
  6. Once complete, your pen will no longer require a PIN to be paired with a device.

 NOTE: You will not lose any notes or other data when clearing a PIN code.

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