201220 - ECHO/PULSE - Mac - Renaming the Livescribe data folder
How do I rename the Mac Livescribe data folder so I can re-transfer my smartpen data?
Renaming the data folder and transferring everything from your smartpen to Echo or Livescribe Desktop once more can usually resolve data transfer/corruption issues that may be causing problems with the Desktop software.
NOTE: This will only transfer notes and sessions still on your smartpen. If you have deleted anything from your smartpen this process will not recover the deleted data.
If you have archived notebooks from your smartpen (see
80404 - Archiving a notebook using Livescribe Desktop), before starting the rename process please export each archived notebook to your Windows desktop. If you are using Echo Desktop, please see 80960 - ECHO/PULSE - Sharing Echo Desktop pencasts and notes. If you are using Livescribe Desktop, please see 80504 - Exporting pages and audio as a .pencast file using Livescribe Desktop.
Exporting your archived notebooks will allow you to import them back into the Desktop software after the renaming process is finished so that you don’t lose them.
NOTE: There are two Livescribe folders on your computer. If you do not follow these steps exactly you may end up renaming the wrong one.
To rename the data folder:
- IMPORTANT: If it is running, shut down Echo or Livescribe Desktop by holding down the keyboard control key, clicking the Desktop icon on the Dock, and selecting “Quit”.
- Activate your “Finder” menu by clicking somewhere on an unused area of your desktop.
- Yosemite, Mavericks, High Sierra, Mojave and higher - Hold down the keyboard option key and from the menu options at the top of your desktop (Finder, File, Edit, View, Go, etc.) select “Go > Library > Application Support”.
Snow Leopard and Leopard - From the menu options at the top of your desktop (Finder, File, Edit, View, Go, etc.) select “Go > Home > Library > Application Support”. - Click on the “Livescribe” folder located in “Application Support” and press “Return” on your keyboard.
- Rename the “Livescribe” folder to something else (for example “Livescribe - Old”. This way you can keep the files as a backup in case you need to access them later).
- Dock your smartpen.
- Open Echo or Livescribe Desktop.
- Name your smartpen and click the “Name and Transfer” button.
All of the files on your smartpen should now transfer.
Depending on how full your smartpen is, this could take several minutes to a few hours, so please make sure to leave the smartpen docked until the transfer finishes. When the transfer has finished, the static transfer icon on your smartpen OLED will change back to show the time.
If you exported any archived notebook(s) prior to starting the rename process, you can re-import the notebook(s) now.
- For Echo Desktop, run the software and from the top menu bar select “File > Open…” to import each notebook into the “Livescribe PDFs” area on the left.
- For Livescribe Desktop, go to your Mac desktop and double-click on each file to import it back into the Livescribe Desktop “Imported Pencasts” notebook section (top of the viewing pane on the left).
After renaming your data folder if you still have a problem please let us know.