WIFI/ECHO/PULSE - Smartpen displays “USB Upgrade”
During a firmware upgrade the process stopped and my smartpen OLED says "USB Upgrade" even after I remove it from the USB charging cable and turn it off and then on again.
If your firmware update stopped during the upgrade with or without a Helper (wifi) or Livescribe Desktop (Echo/Pulse) error, your smartpen stopped cycling the messages "Updating…" / "Do not disconnect!", and now it only shows "USB Upgrade" on the OLED screen then please try the following:
- Disconnect the smartpen from the USB charging cable.
- If you are plugging your USB charging cable into a USB Hub please disconnect it and plug it directly into a USB port on the computer.
- Press and hold the power button for 10+ seconds (this will not affect the data on your smartpen).
- Connect the smartpen to the USB charging cable and Livescribe Helper (wifi) / Livescribe Desktop (Echo/Pulse) should start updating the firmware after the smartpen powers back on.
- If the firmware update does not continue, please reference one of these articles:
29020 - WIFI - Windows manual firmware update utility bundle
29120 - WIFI - Mac manual firmware update utility bundle
29005 - ECHO/PULSE - ECHO DESKTOP USERS - Manual Windows smartpen firmware update utility.
29105 - ECHO/PULSE - ECHO DESKTOP USERS - Manual Mac smartpen firmware update utility
If you still have an issue please let us know.