LIVESCRIBE 3/WIFI/ECHO/PULSE - Getting the smartpen firmware version

How can I check the firmware version on my smartpen?

To access your smartpen firmware version:


The Livescribe+ app will automatically prompt  you when run and there is a Livescribe 3 firmware update available, but if you want to check the version of firmware on the pen:

  1. Run Livescribe+.
  2. Turn on your smartpen (and pair it if prompted).
  3. Tap the menu button in the upper left of Livescribe+.
  4. Tap the pen serial number (starts with "AYE-") or the pen name below "Settings".
  5. Firmware Version is located in the middle of the window.


  1. Turn on your smartpen.
  2. Open a notebook to the inside front cover.
  3. In the "STATUS" section, locate the "Software Version" button.  Tap twice for Livescribe wifi smartpens.  Tap once for Echo / Pulse smartpens.  

The scrolling display will include the firmware version number in the format of "FW: <version>".  

NOTE: If you don't see the "Software Version" button in your notebook you can get the firmware version manually. To do so:

  1. Double tap the center of a Menu Plus (the arrows at the bottom left of any notebook page) to get to the Main Menu display on the smartpen (an asterisk should display to the right).
  2. On your Livescribe paper write the letter "V" and (if scrolling text doesn't already start) "version >" should appear.
  3. Tap the right-arrow on your Menu Plus to check the version.

Part of the scrolling display will include the firmware version number in the format of "FW: <version>".

You can verify if you have the latest firmware version by accessing:

Livescribe 3 Release Notes


Livescribe wifi Release Notes


Echo/Pulse Release Notes

If your firmware is not current and you cannot get it to update through the normal Livescribe+ (3) / Helper (wifi) / Livescribe Desktop (Echo/Pulse) process, please see one of the articles below.

Livescribe 3: 

29040 - LIVESCRIBE 3 - Windows manual firmware update utility

29140 - LIVESCRIBE 3 - Mac manual firmware update utility


29020 - WIFI - Windows manual smartpen firmware update utility

29120 - WIFI - Mac manual firmware update utility


29005 - ECHO/PULSE - ECHO DESKTOP USERS - Manual Windows smartpen firmware update utility.

29105 - ECHO/PULSE - ECHO DESKTOP USERS - Manual Mac smartpen firmware update utility.

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