LIVESCRIBE 3/WIFI/ECHO/PULSE - Getting the smartpen firmware version
How can I check the firmware version on my smartpen?
To access your smartpen firmware version:
The Livescribe+ app will automatically prompt you when run and there is a Livescribe 3 firmware update available, but if you want to check the version of firmware on the pen:
- Run Livescribe+.
- Turn on your smartpen (and pair it if prompted).
- Tap the menu button in the upper left of Livescribe+.
- Tap the pen serial number (starts with "AYE-") or the pen name below "Settings".
- Firmware Version is located in the middle of the window.
- Turn on your smartpen.
- Open a notebook to the inside front cover.
- In the "STATUS" section, locate the "Software Version" button. Tap twice for Livescribe wifi smartpens. Tap once for Echo / Pulse smartpens.
The scrolling display will include the firmware version number in the format of "FW: <version>".
NOTE: If you don't see the "Software Version" button in your notebook you can get the firmware version manually. To do so:
- Double tap the center of a Menu Plus (the arrows at the bottom left of any notebook page) to get to the Main Menu display on the smartpen (an asterisk should display to the right).
- On your Livescribe paper write the letter "V" and (if scrolling text doesn't already start) "version >" should appear.
- Tap the right-arrow on your Menu Plus to check the version.
Part of the scrolling display will include the firmware version number in the format of "FW: <version>".
You can verify if you have the latest firmware version by accessing:
Livescribe 3 Release Notes
Livescribe wifi Release Notes
Echo/Pulse Release Notes
If your firmware is not current and you cannot get it to update through the normal Livescribe+ (3) / Helper (wifi) / Livescribe Desktop (Echo/Pulse) process, please see one of the articles below.
Livescribe 3:
29040 - LIVESCRIBE 3 - Windows manual firmware update utility
29140 - LIVESCRIBE 3 - Mac manual firmware update utility
29020 - WIFI - Windows manual smartpen firmware update utility
29120 - WIFI - Mac manual firmware update utility
29005 - ECHO/PULSE - ECHO DESKTOP USERS - Manual Windows smartpen firmware update utility.
29105 - ECHO/PULSE - ECHO DESKTOP USERS - Manual Mac smartpen firmware update utility.